Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blog Check: Jenny B. Jones

I wanted to start the week off right with a blog check from Jenny B. Jones. Not only does Jenny have a blog that is well worth reading, but she is also a author of a Christian book series for teens.
You can check out her books by clicking here. Or click here to check out her blog. Enjoy!

Mr. McClung


  1. Dude! The Big Booties and Bailouts post was great! (No, seriously)I thought your post was about Junie B. Jones, one of my daughter Minden's favorite protagonists (and very much like Minden herself!)

  2. HA! Not quite Junie B.....Jenny Jones comes up with some great stuff though, such as big booties and bailouts....

  3. Mr. McClung is the best teacher ever! I think it's so cool President elect-Obama asked you to be his girls' private instructor. But if you're attached to where you are, then who couldn't admire your loyalty?
