Tuesday, January 6, 2009

....and we're back....

Today was the first day for students to return. We kicked off the new semester by starting a new unit in science class. We are switching our focus from catastrophic events to diversity of life. In this unit we will be studying various life forms and their characteristics.

To start our lesson, today we focused on what it means for something to be living or non-living. The video above is of a substance called camphor. We placed this substance in a petri dish on an overhead projector to observe how reacts to water. As you can see from the video, the substance moved in a various patterns and directions. The question the students had to answer was "is this substance alive?" In addition we took sometime to categorize objects as either living, non-living, and undecided.

Tomorrow we will continue our discussion about what defines a living thing, and we will also create mini-pods as well.

Mr. McClung

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