Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Day

Somewhere underneath all that blue and pink stuff on the map is Arkansas and Missouri. No school today as we continue to receive more freezing rain, sleet, and even a little snow. Looking like we will not continue back to school until Thursday or so. In the meantime, since I can't leave the house, I will be spending a lot of time with my Xbox.

Mr. McClung


  1. TOO funny! Sorry to hear about the "icky" weather! We have sunny but mild weather today, cold enough for soup though...The XBOX is a favorite around here too....Enjoy your day!! Curious....When you have an "inclement weather, or snow day", do they add on extra days of school at the end? Or, as in our case, they have "included" a few days here and there in the schedule, so, no "add-ons". Chat at you later :)

  2. Granny Mac! Glad to hear from you. Snow days are built into the school calendar, but we are allotted an only a certain amount. This is my first year at this school so I am not sure what the policy is.....My old school it was only three days, so we usually had school until June to make up the days.

  3. Yikes - freezing rain, snow...sounds like a nightmare. We've had lots of cold weather with windchills recently in the minus forties. Not as onerous as what you have. Unlike you, though, we get as many snow days (which can also be for severely cold weather) as we need. We've already had two and winter isn't over.

  4. Do you still have power? We have heard many people in Arkansas are out.

  5. My wife and I have been pretty lucky. We were only out of power for a couple of hours last night. However, our energy provider has over 55,000 outages reported. All and all, in Northwest Arkansas over 110,000 were without power at some point last night.

  6. Who cares about the power outages, the important thing is What games are you playing? I have been spending time with Bioshock. Dianna has been playing Animal Crossing. Aidan is playing TinkerBell and Quinci is playing Drive Everbody Crazy! (Minden just spends all her time texting.(

  7. Of course! I haven't been playing anything new, I have acutally been tending to some unfinished business on GTA IV, and a little bit of NCAA football as well....if we don't goto school on friday, there is a good chance I will be buying the new call of duty.
    Speaking of animal crossing....how much of it have you been playing lately?

  8. And Mr Lamshed class in Adelaide, Australia just had a day with a temperature of 45 degrees centigrade, not sure what the conversion rate makes that in degree's f but its rather crazy!
    Mr Webb and Room Eight, Melville Intermediate, Hamilton, New Zealand.

  9. @ Mr. Webb, heard on TV temperture on the court at the Australian Open was 140 degrees F....quite a contrast between us two.

  10. Hello Mr Clung and the Sixth Grade.

    It's snowing in the UK too! Quite exciting but very cold... I think your blog is great.

    I will show it to my Year 2 kids tomorrow and have already set up a link from our blog. I know my children would love to hear from you.


    Jack Sloan

  11. How many days have you missed because of the weather? We have missed a few days of school because of all the snow.

  12. Our school closes at the temperature of like -30 or so....but we haven't had a missed day in a while. i think the first day we got back from winter holidays. So, how cold is it there?

  13. It is pretty mild here, tonight it will be drop to a low of about 13 degrees, that is about the lowest temperatures we have around here.

  14. Hey we have lots of cold weather to except are school shuts down at -35 or lower When will your school come back on?

  15. That must have been awesome for the sdtudents because they got a couple of days off school. We at Hafford have had a few snow days. We have snow days when there are severely drifted roads and/or -40C or lower.

  16. what a great website I go to another middle school in kansas awesome website.
