Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Science Fair Progress

Today we continue to work on our science fair projects as we come closer and closer to our upcoming deadline. Everyday we are continually working on our science fair projects daily. Above is a picture of of Jeffrey displaying his "leak-proof bag"as apart of his science experiment.

Find more videos like this on Mr. McClung's Class

Above is a video of Fidel's explanation of the one wire, one battery, and one light bulb experiment.

Find more videos like this on Mr. McClung's Class

Above is a video of Sasha's experiment of the affects of cold and hot surfaces on the air above them. Notice how the yellow balloon (hot pot) fills up with air and the orange (cold pot) is slowly drawn inside of the bottle. There will be more updates as we move closer to the 23rd. ONLY 3 CLASS DAYS LEFT UNTIL SCIENCE FAIR!

Mr. McClung

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of how far you all have come since last year! I really expect to see some really well done projects for the science fair.
