Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tie Tuesday

Tuesday tend to be my busiest days of blogging, and today was no exception. Despite the break from snow and ice, we still had quite a few students and teachers wear ties today. Above is a picture of myself and Mr. C showing off our ties. You better enjoy it, because it doesn't happen often, but for today our own Mr. C is now a Tie Tuesday participate. Congratulations Mr. C.

Above we have some of the usually suspects and one new face. Levi and Jeff from Mrs. Drake's Class, Trystan from Mrs. Hamm's Class, Macy, and Courtney both from my classroom.

Lastly, above is a picture of Mrs. Anderson and her fourth grade students. Thanks to all that wore ties today!

Mr. McClung


  1. I LOVE that idea! I will have to pass that idea, if it is alright, along to Seans school!!! He has spirit day each Friday, and all the kids wear the school colors, red and black (West Creek Pirates arrrgghh). The class that has the most participants gets "Rodney" the parrot (fake, giggle) for the week. Seans class seems to have the parrot most....alot of "spirited" kids...Poor Mrs. Finch.....lolol Glad to see you all back in school and with high spirts too!!! Have a terrific day!

  2. Next tie there's Tie Tuesday count us in, in New Zealand! Great to see people getting into the spirit of things with the ties... just think you could have awards, eventually a hall of fame, and this could go global! You could retire from teaching and just administer tie tuesday!
    Mr Webb and Room Eight, Melville Intermediate, Hamilton, New Zealand.

  3. I love the ideas Mr. Webb! Especially the awards and hall of fame, I will be getting right on those two!

    I will also post a reminder the day before for those in NZ.

  4. Are you sure you and Bill are not related??? LOL!
