Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tie Tuesday

Another Tuesday...another tie....
This thing is really starting to get out of control. Tie Tuesday © is continuing to catch on here in Noel and has really brought a lot of attention to my Innocent collection of ties. Many teachers (even Mr. C!) are getting the memo and wearing ties every week. Crazy huh? Thanks to all the faithful teachers and students that have been supporting this silly tradition of mine.

New business: After last week, Mr. Webb inspired me to step my game up and change Tie Tuesday up a little bit. Starting this week I will randomly start posting my Tie Tuesday Awards.

Above is the Driver Family. Not only did Courtney and her little sister Hanna wear ties, but their Cat Henry also participated in Tie Tuesday. The Drivers win the Tie Tuesday Family of the Week.

Lastly in this weeks Tie Tuesday addition, we have a student that is being inducted into the Tie Tuesday Hall of Fame. Jeffery, has been wearing his tie every Tuesday since we started back in December. Great job Jeff!

Mr. McClung


  1. The cat is a classic! I do feel the pressure to do something at this end, although I have worn a tie on only two occassions in the past thirty five years!

  2. The poor cats get subjected to Tie Tuesday every week. I told them to give them a week off but it didn't happen.

  3. @WaikatoNZ Do I need to express ship a tie to you in NZ?
