Monday, March 30, 2009

Benjamin Del Shreve

On Friday we hosted a concert to celebrate the beginning of MAP testing. Our performing guest was Benjamin Del Shreve from Fayetteville, Arkansas. Below are some highlights from Friday's concert. Please excuse my sound quality.

What a way to prepare for the MAP, the students absolutely loved the performance and from talking to the band they enjoyed it just as much. BIG thanks to Nicki Angeles for setting it up and thanks once again to the Benjamin and the boys in the band for performing for our school.

Mr. McClung


  1. It was fun but my ears are still ringing! So where's the video of you all dolled up? I wasn't there for that but I sure wish I would've been!

  2. Oops, that was me on that last comment and not Courtney. She needs to remember to sign out next time :o) She "head-banged" so much that she had neck cramps on Saturday!

  3. I did have neck cramps. I couldn't look down without pain. And by the way, this time it IS me and not my mom.

  4. How cool is a school that has BDS jammin in the gym!?!?!

  5. @Courtney, better ice that neck

    @Nicki, too cool. Really looking forward to watching these guys in concert soon.
