Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tie Tuesday - Executive Style

The picture above is my man Louis from the fourth grade. Louis obviously listens to a lot of ZZ Top on Tuesdays, because this young man has made it a habit to wear a suit every week to school....I need to step my game up. As you can see, this week he is sporting a stylish suit as usual....nice.

For his efforts the past several weeks, this joven es guapo is being inducted into The Tie Tuesday Hall of Fame. His credentials? Forget the fact that he belongs simply for being the best dressed male in the entire Noel School Building, but anyone that wears a blazer faithfully when it's not required, deserves recognition. Here's to you Louis!

Mr. McClung


  1. A looker too! I am so impressed with this young man, I bet he has great grades too, I think we may be looking at a future President... Happy Tie Tuesday to you all :)

  2. mr mcclung that video was awsome i love ZZ Top its cool that we can get people to wear a tie on tuesday even when the people arn't in the 6th grade
