F ansFor our spelling lesson today, I allowed the students to use their spelling words and make acrostics that were more humorous than descriptive. Below are some highlights from today's lesson:
A pplause
M uch-admired
O utstanding
U nequaled
S tar
O ld people
B uy
V iolins and hide them
I n
O ur
U n-used
S nuggies
- Ben
P eople
R emark
E very time
V illians
I nfamously
O pen
U p
S torage rooms
- Courtney
O ctopus
B abies
V iolently
I nk
O ther
U nderwater creatures
S hamelessly
- Colby
You can create your own acrositic by clicking here.
Mr. McClung
awsome,your acrositics are cool