Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tie Tuesday Hall of Fame

Don't call it a come back....

....with school starting to wind down, many students have lost their passion for this weekly celebration that we like to call Tie Tuesday ®; but, don't tell that to Mr. C's fifth grade class.

With the a little help from Mr. C, his entire class is decked out in ties on this glorious Tuesday. I was stunned. With all this madness circulating around Tie Tuesday I had no choice but to induct the entire class into The Tie Tuesday Hall of Fame (TTHF) for being the first class to have every student sporting a tie. Here's to a very sharp dressed class!

"Tie Tuesday, promoting professionalism one tie at a time..."

Mr. McClung


  1. That Mr C - he has some great ideas. Every Tie Tuesday post is really wonderful... and good to see that you've apparently copyrighted the idea!

  2. I think Tie Tuesday is a fantastic idea. I wish I was there on Tuesdays so that I could participate! I know Parker gets really excited about it every week. Great job introducing a little bit of professionalism into Noel School :)

  3. What's so professional about wearing a tie with a t-shirt? When I move up, you get to inherit the ties. Use them wisely.

  4. That's a good looking group of kids. Too bad the 6th grade students didn't have that spirit.
