Sunday, June 28, 2009

Blog Check: SMS Guys Read

I am really excited to share with everyone a blog check that quite frankly.....should have been done a looooong time ago. SMS Guys Read is a blog that is composed by Mr. Hutchinson, "slightly unhinged teacher", and a group of middle school students. This group of students can easily be identified by their trucker like handles....such as, El Matador, Rowdy Roddy, The Undertaker, and my personal favorite Junkyard Dog.....I love wrestling names.

They met semi-weekly to discuss books that they find interesting. Their goal is to show the world that guys really do read and enjoy it! Their blog is full of great book reviews, humor, literary smackdowns, and writing as well.....check out their March 10th post on creating Zombie Haikus. High quality blog, I recommend everyone check out their blog from this previous school year and look out for them in the coming school year!

Mr. McClung


  1. Zombie haikus...awesome.
    And I was totally about some JYD in the 80s.

  2. I love your Blog! What great ideas and engaging teaching! I stumbled upon your Blog, as I am searching for a social networking site that students at the middle school where I teach(in S.C.) can use to discuss books. I saw that you mention a social network you use with your 6th graders. The one I currently use requires students to be 14. If you have any insight, would you please post. Thanks!
