Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pinata Bash

Due to the rain postponing our Cinco de Mayo celebration on Tuesday, we busted open our class pinatas on Wednesday. The pinata is a staple of celebrations and parties in the Mexican culture. For our pinata bash students were first blind folded, spun around several times, then given a stick to swing at the pinata while anther student lowers and raises the pinata to make it more difficult. Once the pinata is hit, candy falls everywhere and kids go crazy. Below are some highlights from our pinata bash.

Mr. McClung


  1. The pictures were great, it looks like there was a whole lotta fun going on,..giggle Here in CA, it seems as though there is a pinata for "every" occasion, I have even seen Easter Bunny ones, lol....lets face it, Its all about the candy :) Hope you all have a terrific day!!

  2. I didn't get any candy. Not one former student bothered to ask. :<

  3. Hi we thought it was cool it looked really fun

  4. whole lotta fun going on there
