Monday, August 3, 2009

Preparing For The First Day

With July in the rear view mirror and a brand new school year just ahead later this month, today I officially began getting my game face on to prepare for the upcoming year. Due to the fact that I have switched schools over the summer, that means I have to move into another new classroom for the third time in two years....oh joy.

Above is my new classroom at Woodland Junior High before I moved my stuff in. I have really been looking forward to this day for a couple of weeks now and I'm also looking forward to the challenge of a new year and school. This really got me thinking about the excitement that goes along with returning to school. This is an excitement that is shared with teachers and students alike.

My Twitter page is full of comments from teachers that talk about school supplies, preparing classrooms, attending workshops, and preparing curriculum on a daily basis. Seeing this type of positive reaction to school is really refreshing. To me it is really cool hear from professionals, that have basically had two months vacation, become very excited about returning to work....what other profession can boast such a claim?

As I continue to prepare my classroom, blog, and my NEW social network for the upcoming year I can't help but get excited about the all the possibilities that a new school year brings. There is something revitalizing about starting the year with a clean slate....sure it may be the same curriculum and many of the same lessons, but there is a certain excitement that teaching offers. Every year is a new beginning and that helps provide for an enjoyable working, what is YOUR favorite part about a new school year?

Mr. McClung


  1. It all looks very clean and 'face the front looking'. We look forward to seeing how you go about personalising your learning space.

    Good luck for your new adventure with the 'new batch'.

    Allanah K

  2. Wow! What a change it would be, can't wait for your 2009 class to start and are more than willing to help in anyway... those holidays... never enough!
    Mr Webb, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand.

  3. Hi my name is Melissa and I am from Australia. I relly like your blog. I have a blog too. If you would like to visit is go to and leave a comment. My old grade 5 teacher has a blog too, if you would like to visit it go to Thanks,
    Bye :-)

  4. I am so excited for you....The thing that I KNOW you have realized, is that it is not the classroom, its the could teach outside....You, my friend, I know, are a GREAT teacher!!!

    I am so happy for you to start another year, doing something that you are meant to do!! Kudos....

    Sean starts school on the 18th.,...summer went WAY too fast, didn't it!!! My favorite thing about a new school year..silly, but true, clothes shopping, gosh, wish we had uniforms now...lolol....that is now "my" least favorite thing....enjoy the last few days........

  5. It's hard moving but at the end everthing will be alright.

  6. This is Ashtyn Nilsen.

  7. Hey its Isabel from 4/5R
    I think its great to start a new school!!!

    ISabel 4/5R

  8. This looks like a very good class room to teach in. Maybe through swicth the clack board for a dry eraser board.


  9. I Hope You enjoy your new school Mr.Mcclungs although we all miss you very much over here at Noel.Mo
