Monday, November 24, 2008

"The Great Alaskan Earthquake" = "a bunch of squiggly lines"

Monday we began to study The Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964. We used a copy of the seismogram (shown above) from the great earthquake to help us in our investigation. This earthquake (that registered 9.2 on the Richter Scale) and its aftershocks lasted for two days (March 27 & 28) and rendered over 1,000 aftershocks, countless tsunami waves, and numerous lives lost.

During this class today we discussed the different aspects of the seismogram and also discussed how to read it. By doing this we were able pin point at what time the first P-Wave was recorded (7:40 pm) and also track and record at what times the aftershocks occurred.

Listed below is a link to some great information about the earthquake, aftershocks and tsunami's that occured on this Good Friday on March 27th 1964.

Mr. McClung


  1. Wow, tried those it was very hard
    and thats ashley's head

  2. I was in the sixth grade 45 years ago this week and lived in Alaska. I was at home it being Good Friday and there was no school. I like... most people who lived there will never forget that day. It became part of who we are. If you would like to ask questions about what it was like to have lived through this event please feel free to ask me.

    Janet I...formerly Janet Hill
