Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stamp Out Smoking

Today we had a visit from the MCHS Drama Team. They presented a Stamp Out Smoking assembly for our 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. These students preformed several different skits addressing smoking and drinking and the dangers they present for teenagers. Above is a video of one the skits, and below are a few pictures from the show. All of these students did a great job and it is worth checking out, enjoy.

Mr. McClung


  1. do you ever wonder why terrorist are always depicted smoking in films? Do you think it's cool to smoke drugs? Is it hip?

    ANSWER: Only liberals, John Wayne, and Terrorist smoke. John Wayne though, not a terrorist.

  2. O.M.G that dance was soooo Funnyyyy!Ha,Ha I wachted it over and over again until I had to leave.
