Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Be the Backseat Boss

On Tuesday we held an assembly for seat belt safety. In this assembly our students learned a variety of ways to to be safe in the car in different situations and have a little bit of fun while as well.
The video below is a demonstration of how a seat belt should always be worn in the car. The lap belt is meant to fit across a person's hips and the chest belt is needs to fit across a persons chest and over their shoulder.

This is a powerful demonstrate of how powerful a airbag blast can be. Students were asked to guess at what miles per hour a airbag is deployed. Answers were all over the place, but the answer was over 200 MPH. Check out the video, and listen to how loud the blast is.

Lastly, one of the presenters displayed his beatboxing ability. He used this deliver a worth while message. "Be the Backseat Boss", this means to be the boss of the car and make sure you and everyone in the car is wearing their seat belt correctly.

Mr. McClung

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