Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tie Tuesday ©

What started out as a excuse for me to put some of the ties that have been in my closet for the past year to good use, has now created a buzz around the school. No one really knows when Tie Tuesday began, but it was sometime last semester. I would simply just wear a tie on Tuesday. No big deal, right?

After awhile students started to catch on, and so did Mrs. Hamm. Then one morning Mrs. Hamm decided to present Tie Tuesday to everyone during Rise and Shine. Ever since, people know me for Tie Tuesday. At that point it was on, the word of Tie Tuesday spread like wild fire through the streets of Noel. Even people that I had never spoken to in the building before were reminding me on Monday to wear a tie on Tuesday. Crazy I know....

After putting some thought into, and with some input from my students, we need to take this Tie Tuesday thing nationally. Think about it! With everyone asking for bailouts these days, the tie market is sure to be the next cooperate juggernaut to ask for a bailout. If we installed a national Tie Tuesday every week, we can single handily save an American trademark a.k.a. the tie. Tie sales would be out the roof, and who knows maybe we this is what we need to end this silly recession.....ok, maybe I am getting ahead of myself.

The point is, why not wear a tie on Tuesday? Lets all face, ties make us look better.....and you never know, the American economy could depend on it! In the meanwhile, check out some pictures from some faithful Tie Tuesday © followers....oh yeah, I am going to copyright it....

Mrs. Polzer (our favorite 3rd grade teacher)

Jeff from Mrs. Drake's class

Mr. McClung


  1. What a brilliant idea! If there can be international talk like a pirate day, what about International Tie Tuesday? You could make millions!

  2. Mr. Webb, I like your way of thinking and I am a step ahead of you. Tie Tuesday has no borders, its our duty to take it global....

  3. Well now see if we could set a date for that and try and drum up support from the Internet community... have a host site to show pictures etc... most creative tie etc. The possibilities are endless... any specific tie important date around?

  4. Not necessarily, just something I do every Tuesday. I suppose we could just pick a random date and go from there, yeah? Sell it as “a day of professionalism” for teachers.
