I am currently working on a top ten blog post list from this previous school year. For me, I have a hard time only picking out ten because I am bit partial to the author ;)
So I thought I would ask my friends and guest, if you have a previous blog post that you particularly enjoyed, please just drop me a comment about which blog post you enjoyed the most. Thank you everyone!
Mr. McClung
Friday, May 29, 2009
Summer Time

Mr. McClung
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
What I've Learned This Year
When I arrived in Noel, Missouri last fall I was entering my first year of being a teacher. Being young and inexperienced, I did not fully know what to expect from being an elementary school teacher. Since last August I have grown and matured as a person and a teacher, and in the process I have learned a TON. So, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to share with you what it is that I have learned in my first year of teaching.
How to Read the Crowd
Throughout my college education and teaching internship, I developed a mindset that it was all about me the teacher. Meaning that I was so worried about how I was being assessed by my superiors, that I lost touch with my audience when I delivered a lesson. A common theme that I have seen in a lot of teachers is the fact that they do not make their lessons student centered. They become so concerned with the delivery of the content that they are missing the most important aspect of teaching, and that is checking for student comprehension.
I fell like that this year I have developed immensely in regards to this aspect of teaching. In order to be effective you have to be able to let your audience drive your instruction.
Be Flexible
I have a way I want things done.....sound familiar? While we as instructors like to plan "perfect" lessons, we have to remember that we are performing in front of a crowd the struggles remembering what they brought for lunch that day.
NO LESSON IS EVER PERFECT. THE LESSON YOU TEACH AND THE ONE YOU PLAN ARE ALWAYS DIFFERENT.At the beginning of the school year I felt like I was trying to control things way too much, and I would beat myself up over lessons and activities that did not go well. I had to get over this. While I always plan to have that elusive perfect lesson, I don't let it get to me and I do not kill myself over my mistakes any more. When things go wrong, simply work with it and try to better the situation.....and make sure you do it with a smile on your face!
Communication is the best medicine....I know no one has ever experienced workplace drama, but just in case you know someone who knows a friend that does.....they need to talk it out. Communicating is the best way to resolve any issue in the workplace.
In addition, communication is the pathway to building that much desired rapport with fellow teachers. I know that sounds obvious, but communication is one of the hardest skills to develop, so practice all you can and build those strong relationships with teachers and students.
Be Reasonable
As teachers we hold very high expectations for our students....sometimes they live up to those expectations, and sometimes they don't. Often we build our expectations too high for students, and become upset when they do not meet the expectation.
DON'T.Teachers can sometimes really loose touch and forget that we are dealing with children. They are not perfect and neither are we. While its fine to have lofty goals for our students, we set our students up for disappointment when a goal is not met and we scold them for not coming through. Our job as teachers is to simply pick them up after they fail, dust them off, and encourage them to try again.
Don't be Afraid of Technology
Grown adults everywhere are afraid of computers like it's a bad horror film and computers are trying to take over the world. Technology is our friend and is essential to living in our microwave society of today. We should not become overwhelmed by technology and simply give up before we start. We cannot expect to master computer skills the first time we attempt them, so jump in head first....the water feels fine :)
Listen to Your Students
You may be the only person that does. Below is an example of a answer that one of my students listed on their end of the year survey that really spoke to me:
I know my teacher cares about me as a person when he.While this may seem like a standard issue answer to such a question, it spoke volumes to me. I truly believe that teachers do not know enough about the students they are teaching. In order to build the respect that we all seek in a student teacher relationship, it is important to take interest their the lives of our students. It's that important.
- Listens to what I say
Lastly....Never Stop Learning
It's never too late to change your way of thinking, learning, or style. We do everything short of beg students to learn on a daily basis, but sadly some of us refuse to learn and grow as professional educators. We work in a learning environment, so why not soak up as much as you can? We owe it to our students.
In closing I would like to thank everyone that has made my first year of teaching something truly magical. Teachers, parents, bloggers, and of course students....thank you to everyone.
Mr. McClung
Talent Show
We held our annual talent show of the last day of school. Our talent show consists of students grades 3-8 and features singing, dancing, and much more. Below are some of the videos from last Friday's action.
The Dead Fish performing their "synchronized swimming" act
Fifth grader Devin and his version of the robot.
Fifth grader Mark and his dance performance.
Sixth grader Arota performing a Native Samoan dance, second place winner.
....and of course our first place winner in the 6-8 division, Jeff singing and playing Simple Man.
Last but not least, the Valencia Brothers stop by the school to perform a dance routine.
Part 2 of their performance.
A job well done by everyone, and what an excellent way to close out the year on such a high note.
Mr. McClung
The Dead Fish performing their "synchronized swimming" act
Fifth grader Devin and his version of the robot.
Fifth grader Mark and his dance performance.
Sixth grader Arota performing a Native Samoan dance, second place winner.
....and of course our first place winner in the 6-8 division, Jeff singing and playing Simple Man.
Last but not least, the Valencia Brothers stop by the school to perform a dance routine.
Part 2 of their performance.
A job well done by everyone, and what an excellent way to close out the year on such a high note.
Mr. McClung
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Last Day of School
Friday, May 22nd marked the end of our 08-09 school year. Below are a view pictures from last Friday.
Fidel and Ryan cleaning out their lockers in preparation for the summer break.
My homeroom students writing goodbye messages on my white board.
Students enjoying their last Throwdown of the year.
Class photo of students that were present on the last day.
I could not have asked for a better situation for my first year of teaching. I have been surrounded by outstanding colleagues, abundance of resources and technology, and of course an excellent group of students. I will truly miss each and everyone of my students from this year and I wish them luck in junior high.
Mr. McClunghttp://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=7548467820736419534&postID=6421131248760141935#
Students enjoying their last Throwdown of the year.
I could not have asked for a better situation for my first year of teaching. I have been surrounded by outstanding colleagues, abundance of resources and technology, and of course an excellent group of students. I will truly miss each and everyone of my students from this year and I wish them luck in junior high.
Mr. McClunghttp://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=7548467820736419534&postID=6421131248760141935#
Friday, May 22, 2009
Field Day '09
Last Wednesday we held our annual track and field day at school. Field Day consist of several different activities and competitions in which students compete against fellow classmates. Activities for this event consist of the following:
Omar winning the 50 yard dash
Anahi crossing the finish line in the sack race
Valerie and Naomi finishing first, while everyone else stumbles in the three-legged race
My class getting dominated in the tug-of-war
After the the outside activities were over, my class spent sometime practicing our Speed Stacks
Mr. McClung
- 50-Yard Dash
- Sack Race
- Three-legged Race
- Basketball Shoot-out
- Tug-of-war
- Team Relay Race
Omar winning the 50 yard dash
Anahi crossing the finish line in the sack race
Valerie and Naomi finishing first, while everyone else stumbles in the three-legged race
My class getting dominated in the tug-of-war
After the the outside activities were over, my class spent sometime practicing our Speed Stacks
Mr. McClung
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Jane Hamm
At the beginning of this school year, I was very fortunate to have Jane appointed as my first year teacher mentor. Coming into this year I had very average expectations about what my first year of teaching would hold. However, through her guidance and support she helped prepare me for the challenge ahead and she absolutely blew me away. Jane is not your typical teacher, in fact she is the type of teacher that can really bring out the best in a person. Even though I have doubted myself many times this year, her confidence in me has never faltered one bit. Not only has she taken me and helped me become a good teacher, she also makes you want to better yourself as a person.
I truly feel that genuine people in this world are very hard to come by, and when you do find that type of person you better hold on tight and absorb as much from time from that person. Jane is one of those genuine one in a million type of people that can, and do make impacts others lives. She cannot be replaced, and her leadership and companionship will be greatly missed in Noel Elementary. Here's to a happy retirement, and I wish you all the best.
Mr. McClung
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Honor Roll
As we begin to wrap up our school to prepare for summer break, Tuesday we held our Honor Roll assembly to recognize academic excellence. Below are all the awards for sixth grade.
All A's for second semester: Courtney, Cendy, Carlos, Yolanda, and Wade
All A's for both semesters....and perfect attendance, Yolanda
All A's & B's for second semester: Francisco, Ben, Kirestin, Trystan, Ashley, Yessy, Kiley, Cheyenne, Kyle Tanner, Dillion, Shelby, Ricky, Jeff, and Ryan
All A's & B's both semesters: Ben, Kirestin, Trystan, Ashley, Yessy, Tanner, dillion, Ricky, and Jeff
Congratulations to everyone!
Mr. McClung
Congratulations to everyone!
Mr. McClung
Last Tie Tuesday
All good things must come to an end....and just like that we have had our last Tie Tuesday of '08-'09. Although this was my first go around with Tie Tuesday, it has been a huge success at Noel Elementary. With help for Mr. C and his 'rent-a-tie' campaign, we have had great turn out every Tuesday. Next year I am looking to improve as always, and perhaps our friends from New Zealand and Australia can join in on the activities next school year.
Mr. McClung
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Opposing Points of View

The Assignment
We divided our class into Greasers and Socs, The Greasers were asked to post their point of view on a discussion board. It was then the job of the Socs to go behind them and post a counterpoint to their point of view. Each student will be asked to start an argument with a opposing student in our class about the murder that took place in our book. You can view our greaser vs. social argument by clicking here.
Today we will begin to wrap up our discussion of The Outsiders, as we finish our study books and prepare to watch the movie.
Mr. McClung
Monday, May 18, 2009
Razorbacks Invade Australia

Recently our class received a care package from Mr. Lamshed that included an Aussie Rules Footy and some swag from his favorite team the Adelaide Crows. I decided to return the favor sending some Arkansas Razorback gifts to Mr. Lamshed and his class.
The next step? Possibly a Skype lesson with Mr. Lamshed and his class on how to call the hogs.....maybe we can even get Mr. Lamshed on video performing the hog call! Here's to wishing....
Mr. McClung
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Periodic Table Project
For our final project for the year, students will be investigating the periodic table. Students will be studying the periodic table by focusing on finding the following information about each element:
- Periodic Table information
- Number of protons, neutrons, and electrons
- Discovery information (person and date
- Important uses
- Pictures that illustrate one or more uses for the element (on the back)

Mr. McClung
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Tie Tuesday Instructional Video

Tie Tuesday, promoting professionalism one tie at a time!
Mr. McClung
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Outsiders

Mr. McClung
Calculating Air Density
Today in science class, we continued our discussion of density by calculating the density of air. Students were given a list of procedures and a set of materials. Among those materials included a bottle filled to the brim with water, a rubber valve, a rubber washer, and a hand pump to pull air out of the bottle.
Students were asked to remove the water from the bottle by using a graduated cylinder to measure the volume of the bottle. Once the bottle was emptied, students were asked to find the mass of the bottle, valve, and washer combined.
Once mass was measured, students then used the pump to pull as much air out of the bottle as possible, once majority of the air was removed from the bottle, students reweighed the bottle and calculated the mass of the air.
Lastly, we pulled all of our information together and calculated the density of air. As you can see from our table below, the density of air ranged from .0003 to .0012 centimeters squared.
On Tuesday we will finished our discussion about density, and begin to move forward and focus on heat.
Mr. McClung
Mr. McClung
Density Lab
Volume = Length x Width x Height & Density = Mass / Volume
Among the different activities, students learned how to find the density of wax blocks, plastic blocks, metal screws, copper cylinders, and plastic spacers. Students calculated the density of each object and then compared their densities to water by dropping them in water containers to see if they would sink or float.
Mr. McClung
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Sixth Grade Field Trip
Last Thursday our sixth grade took a field trip to the Bluff Dwellers Cavern located here in Noel, Missouri. The cave was first discovered in 1925, the entrances to this cave had been hidden from man for more than 3000 years by a landslide. During excavations after it's discovery, artifacts were discovered that turned out to be substantial. Arrowheads, grinding stones, tools made of bone and skeletal remains that date back to as early as 5000 B.C.
In addition to our tour of this cavern, students spent the remainder of the day eating lunch and playing games. Below is a slideshow from Thursday's trip.
Mr. McClung
In addition to our tour of this cavern, students spent the remainder of the day eating lunch and playing games. Below is a slideshow from Thursday's trip.
Mr. McClung
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Pinata Bash
Mr. McClung
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cinco de Mayo
In the United States, Cinco de Mayo has taken on a significance beyond that in Mexico. The date is perhaps best recognized in the United States as a date to celebrate the culture and experiences of Americans of Mexican ancestry, much as St. Patrick's Day.
Our sixth grade held a celebration for Cinco de Mayo, however it did rain on our parade. We had planned to do a variety of outside activities, but the nasty weather kept us inside....but that did not stop us. below are some videos and pictures from today's action.
Cendy and Carmen showing off their dance moves.
My homeroom class performing the limbo.
Although we were not able to participate in all the schedule activities, we still had a great time. Tomorrow we plan on capping off our Cinco de Mayo celebration when we tear into our pinatas (weather permitting), there will be video present!
Mr. McClung
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Reading Buddies w/ Mrs. Polzer's Class
Did you hear that? That little bit of buzz that is going on throughout the classroom....I absolutely love that sound. That is what great learning and interaction sounds like, and it music to my ears!
I am so proud of the positive attitudes my students displayed throughout this session, and I am ecstatic about their excitement to do it again. We will continue this practice for the remainder of the school year, and I look forward to posting more updates.
Mr. McClung
Friday, May 1, 2009
Care Package From Mr. Lamshed
Mr. McClung
Jersey Friday
No matter if you are 7 or 70, everyone has a "team". You know that team that you have followed since you were a kid, or maybe a team that you remember watching your with your parents on TV growing up. It could be local high school team, the team of your former college, or even a pro team on the other side of the country, we all love being able to cheer for "our team".
With that in mind, earlier this semester with the help of Mr. C, we implemented Jersey Friday on casual Fridays with our fifth and sixth grade classes. Even since this bi-weekly event has really picked up steam, below are a few of the notable jerseys around our school today:
Ariana supporting Club Chivas
Mrs. Angeles supporting her favorite soccer team
Mrs. Greer showing her New Jersey roots by supporting Rutgers Football.
Ms. Owens supporting the orange crush of the Denver Broncos
By far the highlight of the day, Mr. Sovereign going old school with the Dick Butkus #51 of the Chicago Bears
It feels good to experience the highs and lows that come along with following a sports team, and it is a great emotion that everyone can experience. So.....next Friday, why not start Jersey Friday at your school/work?
Mr. McClung
With that in mind, earlier this semester with the help of Mr. C, we implemented Jersey Friday on casual Fridays with our fifth and sixth grade classes. Even since this bi-weekly event has really picked up steam, below are a few of the notable jerseys around our school today:
It feels good to experience the highs and lows that come along with following a sports team, and it is a great emotion that everyone can experience. So.....next Friday, why not start Jersey Friday at your school/work?
Mr. McClung
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