Today marks a very special day in our classroom. We had our first Skype conversation with Mr. Lamshed of Australia. Mr. Lamshed was kind enough to join our discussion despite being on holiday break and the extreme time difference. Above is a picture of my class huddled around a computer monitor during our conversation.
Mr. Lamshed, myself, and my students were able to have a discussion about some cultural differences between our two countries and schools, as well as further develop plans for a future collaboration of a written assignment between our two classes. The talk went very well, despite some technical issues on my end, my students were thrilled about talking to someone from another country.
Below is our full conversation in four part segments, enjoy.
Mr. McClung
That is just a cool idea. The students will remember that for many years to come.
Our class didi something like this, only it was to my parents who were taking a vacation there
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