This documentary points out some painfully true points about the condition of health in America. Did you know, that 60% of Americans get absolutely no form of physical activity in the course of the day? The movie went to great lengths to explain how strategic McDonald's is in their advertisements (towards children) and how this 'fast food' becomes a comfort food for many because they grow up eating it at such a young age. Thus explaining the addiction to 'fatty' food for many people in America
The effects of a high fat diet, such as McDonald's, are very clear after watching the movie. Due to Spurlock's diet he became more susceptible/suffered from fatigue, breathing problems, obesity, adult on-set diabetes, heart disease, mood swings, headache, high cholesterol, depression, liver disease, etc....
Having a studied health and physical education in undergraduate and having been a person that survived obesity (lost 100 lbs.), you can imagine that this is a subject that is near and dear to my heart. In the climate that we live in here in America, physical education and school food choices should be a priority at every school. Did you know, that majority of the "lunch service provider" meals at school can reach 1,000+ calories for per meal??? While education plays an important role in the physical condition of a child, this topic also goes far beyond school. Did you know, the Surgeon General recommends at least 30 minutes of physical activity everyday? Unfortunately some children do not get 30 minutes in a week.
I am not trying to start a reform for health in regards to education (although it needs to be done), and to be honest I wouldn't know the first step. What I am just trying do is give a few observations that might grab the attention of others, similar to what it did for me. This movie is a definite must see, and who knows, it could save your life!
Mr. McClung
I have seen this documentary and it was of particular importance to me. At my last school most of the students were Pacific Island or Maori students and there was a high proportion of 'fast food' outlets in the area. We had students that were 12 years old whose weight was in the 110kg weight range (two boys last year). Most of that I would put down to diet - for instance students having meat pies for breakfast each day and lunch, drinking 1.25l of Cola a day etc. It was very concerning so I identified with a lot of the issues in the documentary. Great thought provoking post.
Mr Webb, Room 8, Melville Intermediate, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Excellent, although, don't blush, I am constantly amazed at the thoughtfulness of your "lessons"! Great job. I know it may seem weird, we live in a great climate, but the WII has really helped Sean and Dad and I to "exercise", play and have fun, and you really have to move, have lost 15 lbs..Not bragging, just facts, I exercise constantly, but it is the "extra" exercise, I think, that gets our metablolism going. As always, Great Job Mr. McClung!!! Great Job!!
@grandmamac that is excellent, and I am glad to hear you live in an healthy climate, unfortunately it is not the same here in the midwest/south
@Mr. Webb It is a big issue here as well in the midwest/south of us. I was just like the same kids we are talking about, eating pizza and drinking sodas multiple times a week and I was just slowly killing myself at a young age. When I think back at my childhood and how obese I was, I feel like much of the grief I went through could have been avoided through education such as this movie. Great insight by both, thank you.
Mr. McClung
Why not do an after school class next year that promotes activity. You could do aerobics, tai-bo, kickball, etc. Kids could have at least one more hour a week of activity.
@bill I love that idea, the month of May would be a good time to give it a test run to see how it would work out for next year
Mr. McClung
We have a healthy food policy in our school. The school actively promotes healthy eating by giving out prizes to students who bring healthy lunches. We also check students lunch boxes to ensure that only healthy food is brought to school. The parents are also encouraged to cooperate with us.
Mrs She Pt England School, Auckland, New Zealand.
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