Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mr. McClung's Top Ten

....wait a minute, wrong top ten list....

A few weeks ago, I asked for suggestions on what were the blog post highlights from the 08'-09' school year. I posted this question on my blog and also on my sixth grade social network that several of my students still use over the summer. I received some great feedback, took it into consideration (along with my own basis), and I now have my top ten list from this past school year. Here we go....
Thanks again to everyone that shared their feedback, and here's to looking forward to another great year of blogging!

Mr. McClung


  1. Too funny, last halloween, my son-in-law dressed, not a far stretch, as napoleon dynamite....I don't think I have recovered, he even had the "gosh" down....One of my favorite, actually, all of ours, "favorite" movies...great post!!

  2. Hi Mr. Mc

    I'm sorry I did respond to your message about doing a collaboration....but some how I missed it (tripple blush...). Honest. I just found it by the by...I know I'm getting old but that's rediculous on my part.

    I'll certainly look you up next year. We have classes until June 23. Grade 5 and 6 are going camping overnight with grade 7 and 8 that day. (I'm sleeping in the back of my truck).

    Have a great summer! Pat :p

  3. Your blog is looking very cool.

  4. Hey Mr.Mcclung we reely miss u so hurts 2 no dat u left us...we reely loved u, u were the nicest teacher ever and theres never gonna be somebody dats gonna replace u..ur always gonna be in my heart mr. and i hope u remember me cus im 4sure im always gonna remember u.I got very sad on the 1st day of scool wen i went down to visit u and mrs.drake...but i ddnt c u..i jst saw mrs drake so then i asked her where u were at.nd then i got the bad new wen she told me dat u had left us. :( tears wanted to come out of my eyes..but i jzt hope u enjoy ur new scool and u enjoy ur new students.. but all i ask u is never to forget us..Well i hope u stay in touch wit us to u later..enjoy ur new scool and ur new student..they r the luckiest students on earth for having u as a teacher.but most importantly dont forget dat I LOVE U AND DAT I MISS U!!BYE :(
